Translated books of the Ka-Ter Translation Project already published
 all books were translated and annotated by Elio Guarisco
  • The Marvellous Primordial State: Mejung Tantra
  • Chögyal Namkhai Norbu: Longchenpa's Advice from the Heart
  • Awakening upon Dying: The Tibetan Book of the Dead
  • Chögyal Namkhai Norbu: Healing with Fire: A Practical Manual of Tibetan Moxibustion
  • Chögyal Namkhai Norbu: Birth, Life and Death according to Tibetan Medicine and the Dzogchen Teachings
  • Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye: Creative Vision and Inner Reality
  • Kathog Situ Chökyi Gyatso: Togden Shakya Shri – The Life and Liberation of a Tibetan Yogin
  • Gyalwa Yangönpa: Secret Map of the Body
  • The Tantric Mystic of Ancient India
  • Bardo Instructions sealed with the HUM



Other books done by our translators:


All books are available in the Shop of the Shang Shung Publication.